Meet The Mama

behind Milked Memories

meet the mama behind milked memories

My names Peppi and I grew up and live in Wollongong, a coastal town just south of Sydney. I am married to my soulmate and best friend of 10 years- Dieter. We have a daughter, Bobbi and two fur babies.

intentionally created, from the beginning

I came across the art of breastmilk jewellery when searching for a way to honour my sisters breastfeeding journey and fell in love with the idea and process of it all. I have always loved creating with my hands and, since becoming a mother, working from home has become extremely appealing and important to me.

Breast feeding Bobbi wasn’t always easy and the first 5 months of her life consisted of us basically cluster feeding the whole time. It pushed me to my absolute limits, but being the two most suborn humans known in this world- we persevered. Personally, I would love to continue my breastfeeding journey as long as Bobbi will allow me to as it has come to hold such a special place in my world, a chapter of my life I will look back at with admiration and love.

And this is why I have put everything into creating a safe and nurturing environment for all mothers to be able to come and receive a keepsake that has been made with the intent of celebrating, cherishing and honoring the divine women.

find your keepsake here mama